Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pandora Project?

Pandora Project is the umbrella for the websites owned and operated by Bobby Russ. The websites include:

  • The World of Secfenia: A Fantasy Renaissance RPG
  • NFL Picks: A Free National Football League picking site
  • Colonies: A Strategy/RP Colonial Period Game (In Development)
  • Trinity War: A Attack Clicker/RP Game (In Development)
  • Pandora Project: The home of the network including host to some of the old projects that are now defunt.

Can I really play all of the online games made by Pandora Project for free?

Yes, all online games offered under the Pandora Project umbrella are free to play. They will always be available to play totally free of charge. There are no hidden costs at any stage of the game. With this said, we do offer optional premium features that you can purchase for use for greater convenience. We take great pride in trying to ensure that there is balance between those who can afford to purchase this and those who can not.

How can I report a player who broke the rules?

Unfortunately, a minority of our player base does not always follow our Code of Conduct. We strive to maintain a fair and balanced atmosphere in order to ensure the quality and enjoyment of our online games. If you suspect a player of cheating and have evidence to support your claim, you may submit a detailed report to our Community team either via the Forums or the IG Interface.

How can I report an error I found in the game?

We strive to constantly add improvements and modifications that add new features (a number of which are player suggested), special events. and content into our gaming universe. During this process small display errors and bugs may occur from time to time. If you find an error, big or small, please use our Bug System located under the Support menu entitled Bugs.

How can I play online with my friends?

Absolutely! We understand that games are often more fun with friends. You can ask them to sign up directly or by using the Refer a Friend option Under the Support menu. You will be rewarded when they level up and continue to level.

How can I change my password?

First, login to Secfenia. Then go to the Settings Menu and select Change Password. You will then need to type in your current password and then your new password into the fields provided. Click on the button "Change Password" to save your change. This will change not only the IG Interface password, but all of your forum accounts (NPC and main account).

How can I update my email address?

To update your email, please first log in. Then go to the Settings menu and select Change Email. You will need to enter in the new email address and select "Change Email". The old address will recieve notification of the change.

What can I do if I lost my password?

Select Forgot Your Password on the main page. It will ask for your username. Click on proceed to next step. You will then be emailed a passcode. You will have to enter the passcode and then you can select a new password.

How can I delete my saved username and password?

You may sometimes be logged in or have your login information displayed automatically because your username and password are stored in your browser's cache or settings. If you entered it incorrectly when it was saved or have changed your password, then you will need to delete the saved version from your browser or turn off autocomplete.

Solution 1: Delete the saved username and password for just this site

Firefox (and other non-IE Browsers)

  1. Click on the form field with the saved value you wish to remove
  2. Press Delete (or Shift-Delete for older Versions) on your keyboard and the highlighted stored value will be removed

Internet Explorer

  1. Click on the form field with the saved value you wish to remove
  2. Press the down arrow on your keyboard until the value you wish to delete is highlighted
  3. Press the Delete key on your keyboard
  4. If you are removing a stored username and Internet Explorer has stored a password for the user you will get a prompt asking if you want to remove the user and the stored password. Click 'Yes' to remove the saved username/password

Both Firefox and IE have options to delete all your saved form data as well but most users opt to only delete entries on a form by form basis so they do not remove saved values that may be important to them. To remove all the saved form data in Internet Explorer 7 go to 'Tools' on the menu and then to 'Delete Browsing History...' which pops up a window showing different things you can delete. Click on 'Delete forms...' to clear all saved form data. To do it in Firefox go to 'Tools' and then 'Clear Private Data...' check the checkbox next to 'Saved Form and Search History' and be sure to uncheck any items you do not wish to delete and then click 'Clear Private Data Now'.

Solution 2: Turn off Autocomplete

If you don't want 'AutoComplete' to automatically save your information, please follow these steps:

For Internet Explorer 7:

  1. Click the Tools menu at the top of your browser, and select Internet Options.
  2. Open the Content tab at the top of the dialogue box.
  3. Click AutoComplete, then Settings button, and uncheck the User names and passwords on forms and Prompt me to save passwords boxes.
  4. Click OK.

For Firefox:

  1. Click the Preferences menu at the top of your browser
  2. Select the Security tab.
  3. Uncheck the option Remember passwords for sites.
  4. Press OK.

What can I do if my account has been stolen?

Game accounts are connected to an e-mail account which allows you to regain access to your account at any time. As an example: If someone figures out your password and changes it to deny you access, you should go to the login page of the game and click on “Forgot Password”. This will send you an email which will allow you to access your account and reset the password. You will also receive an email if your email address was changed. Of course, you may contact support about this issue at any time.

What can I do if I got banned for some reason?

Sometimes it is necessary to ban some of our players if they do not follow the Code of Conduct, Terms of Service, or policies. If you recieve a notice of ban, you can follow the appeals process in the Code of Conduct. If for some reason you are unable to contact us prior to the ban, you may also contact support.

How can I delete my account?

We are sorry to hear that you are considering closing your account. If you are experiencing problems within the game, please feel free to contact support. We will do our best to help solve whatever problem you may be having.

If it is a matter of not having time to play, you can also go pause your character. This is a great option. To use this option, go to the Settings option and go to Away. You can then select the option to Pause your character. There's also an option to put an auto-away. You will then be paused at reset.

If you still desire to stop playing, you will need to login first. Then go to the Settings Menu and select the Deactivate Account option. Enter the necessary information and your account will be put into deleted status. If you change your mind within 4 months, you can contact support to reactivate your account.

Can I create more than one account per game?

The short answer is no. This is to limit any unfair advantage over other players by using more than one account. You can learn more by reading our Multi-Account Policy

Can I share my account with my friends?

No. If there is a reason that you can not log in, no one should login for you. Instead, you can contact support or have one of your friends contact us to pause the character. Note that compliance with these rules is being monitored and, if necessary, enforced by our Community Managers. Violation of these rules may result in your account being suspended and/or closed.

What if I can not find the answer to my question in this FAQ?

If you have access to the IG Interface and/or forum, you can contact a member of the Community Team or ask in the Help section on the forums. If you do not have access, you can also contact support.

Pithos Version 3.1.030
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